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Due to frequent sell-out nights, advance ticket purchase is highly recommended.
Opening times this week:
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
Due to frequent sell-out nights, advance ticket purchase is highly recommended.
Opening times this week:
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
Due to frequent sell-out nights, advance ticket purchase is highly recommended.
Opening times this week:
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight
4pm - Midnight

Film & Photography Policy

The displays within The Neon Museum, a 501(c)3 non-profit, are copyrighted works and may not be filmed, photographed or recorded for any commercial, fine art, or editorial purpose without prior written consent of The Neon Museum, Inc. 

Film & Photography Policy

参观十大买球平台的游客必须遵守游客摄影指南. 相机和外部设备,如三脚架、灯光、云台、自拍杆、麦克风等. are not allowed. Personal use only snapshots are encouraged, on mobile phones or tablets, 必须在不影响博物馆运作和其他游客的情况下进行,同时要考虑到历史藏品的安全. 这一政策与其他世界级博物馆保持一致,以改善游客体验, focus on our mission of learning, 并尽量减少对十大买球平台历史藏品的未经授权的商业利用.

Visitor Photography Guidelines


Professional cameras are only allowed during our prescheduled photo walks, portrait hours, or private photo shoots.

A reservation is required for those who wish to shoot for editorial or commercial use, bring additional camera equipment, record video or use The Neon Museum collection as a backdrop for posed, directed, portrait or professional photography.  照片拍摄产生的收入有助于十大买球平台继续努力保护环境, preserve, display and expand the collection. For these reasons, image use is strictly controlled.

Please refrain from any video or audio recording during our Brilliant! Jackpot show.  Still snapshots are encouraged in this experience.

The Museum encourages you to post images on your personal social media feeds. 我们感谢你给博物馆贴上标签:@theneonmuseumlasvegas @neonmuseum #NeonMuseum #NeonBoneyard #HistoryBroughtToLight

The Museum does not allow personal images to promote a product, service, business, artist or individual.

Commercial photography options are available; however, reservations are required and must be approved by the Museum and booked in advance.

The following is never allowed during admission:

• Bringing a designated photographer to shoot portrait-style photography
• Props, costumes, or large bags
• Add on equipment such as: ring lights, tripods, monopods, flashes, etc.
• Distracting or blocking other Museum visitors from enjoying the collection
• Touching, leaning on, or disturbing in any way, any of the sign collection of items within the Museum
• Undergoing wardrobe changes
• Selling or publishing images taken at The Neon Museum. 库存摄影和零售项目包含图像的博物馆收藏是不允许的

请注意:博物馆工作人员有权接近和核实摄影意图,并执行摄影政策. If any individual or group refuses to comply with the above conditions, 十大买球平台保留拒绝摄影许可的权利,并可要求个人或团体离开场地并没收入场费.

Below are the options for bringing a professional camera to the Museum:


Private Shoots – personal or commercial

Scheduled photo shoots are a private experience in the Museum. 允许使用所有拍照和录像设备(无人机除外),并允许更换服装.

拍摄费用从300美元起(可能会有额外费用或折扣),根据拍摄的类型和规模而有所不同, headcount, staffing requirements, proposed image use, distribution, time of day, etc.

To receive a quote, schedule a location scout, check availability, or to simply find out more information, please fill out the request form and we will respond as quickly as possible.


Location scouts are by appointment only.


Personal Use Photo Shoots

霓虹博物馆将肖像摄影定义为:所有由指定的专业或业余摄影师拍摄的摆拍肖像, whether the photographer is paid or unpaid. Examples of personal use include; wedding, engagement, senior portrait, family portrait, quinceañera, headshots, model shoot, proposal, anniversary, bachelor/bachelorette party, etc. 十大买球平台保留根据具体情况进一步定义肖像摄影的权利. Portrait and personal use shoots must be scheduled in advance.

Commercial Use Shoots

十大买球平台将商业用途定义为:直接用于产品营销和推广的图像, service, artist, individual or business. Examples of commercial use include: music videos, fashion shoots, social media advertisements, influencers, web series, marketing materials, commercials, TV shows, feature films, documentaries, etc. 商业用途还包括在个人社交媒体网站上为服务和产品(如服装品牌)做广告. 十大买球平台保留根据具体情况进一步界定商业用途的权利. 商业摄影和电影拍摄必须事先获得批准和安排.

The displays within The Neon Museum, a 501(c)3 non-profit, are copyrighted works and may not be filmed, photographed, 或未经十大买球平台事先书面同意,用于任何商业或编辑目的, Inc.

Photo Walks ($35-$75)

Photo Walks are once a month, are pre-scheduled, 并允许最多20名业余摄影师带着他们选择的所有设备在博物馆藏品中闲逛(不允许使用无人机)。. Pictures taken on photo walks are for personal use only. No further commercial, fine art, portraiture, or editorial use is permitted. The cost for photo walks is $75. 内华达州居民、现役军人、退伍军人和持有有效身份证件的老年人支付50美元. Members and students pay $35.

Portrait Hours ($35-$75)

Portrait Hours are once a week, are pre-scheduled, 允许最多15位客人(包括摄影师)使用他们选择的设备拍摄人像(不允许使用无人机). Pictures taken during Portrait Hours are for personal use only. No further commercial, fine art, or editorial use is permitted. The cost for portrait hours is $75. 内华达州居民、现役军人、退伍军人和持有有效身份证件的老年人支付50美元. Members and students pay $35.

Fine Artists and Hobby Photographers

出售博物馆收藏的精美艺术品印刷品/效果图需要精美的艺术品发布,并且与此类使用相关的费用. For more information, please email

• A shoot must be scheduled in advance if you wish to bring a camera or models.

News Media

媒体成员必须提前安排所有照片和视频拍摄. To coordinate a shoot, please fill out this form.

媒体人员必须始终由公关人员陪同,或获得公关人员的许可独立拍摄. All organized photo shoots inside the Museum—for news coverage, school projects, etc.—require a staff member escort.

The following rules apply to all photography at The Neon Museum

• Guests, photographers, and their equipment must stay on pathways. Standing on benches or crossing over stanchions/rock borders is strictly prohibited
• Damage the Collection in any way is prohibited, including leaning, pushing, sitting, standing, touching, or placing objects on any part of the Collection; appearing to damage any part of the Collection; moving behind or between any part of the Collection; or throwing or tossing objects near the Collection.
• Using drones or aerial vehicles to capture Images is not permitted
• You may not use props such as balloons, confetti, feathers, fireworks, smoke/fog bombs, or sparklers, etc.
• Using the bathrooms on the Premises as a makeup or dressing area is not permitted
• You may not film, photograph, or record derogatory, defamatory, disrespectful, obscene, pornographic (e.g.(裸露、部分裸露、露骨色情)、亵渎或非法内容
• You may not bring any animals on the Premises, unless authorized by the Museum or under applicable law

If any individual or group does not comply with the above conditions, 十大买球平台保留拒绝摄影许可的权利,并可能要求个人或团体离开场地,并没收入场费/预订费.

By entering the Museum, 您同意为促进博物馆的兴趣和使命而拍照或录像, including but not limited to advertisement, development, fundraising, and marketing efforts.

To receive a quote, schedule a location scout, check availability or to simply find out more information, please visit our photo shoot page, email or Click to call us at 702.476.1955

Weather and Cancellation Policy

As the Museum is an outdoor collection, 由于恶劣天气,如:110°F(43°C)或更高的温度,所有门票都可能被取消, sustained winds over 24mph or gusts of over 39mph, lightning less than 5 miles away from the Museum, or air quality warnings. Please note that we seldom cancel for rain. Should a cancellation occur, we will attempt to reschedule your visit wherever possible or provide a full refund. We will make every effort to accommodate your visit. 对此可能造成的不便,我们深表歉意,并感谢您的耐心和理解. 在您预定的开始时间之前,由于天气原因,您的访问将不会被退款或重新安排, meaning for example if there is inclement weather two hours before your visit, it may not be at the time of your visit. Please keep in mind that in the winter, 气温可低至33°F(0°C),夏季气温可高达120°F(49°C)。.

Fees are non-refundable, with the exception of inclement weather.